Five-star Service
As one of Norway’s best hotels and Oslos only member of the Leading Hotels of the World, we are committed to ensuring that our guests have everything they want and need at all times.
Our staff are always updated about what’s on at the hotel and in Oslo, and will be happy to recommend our offers, interesting experiences, good restaurants and top attractions. Here you can find contact information to our different departments. We are looking forward to hearing from you!
Contact us

Booking hotel rooms
%1@%2booking@hotelcontinental.no| +47 22 82 40 40
Booking meeting and events
%1@%2event@hotelcontinental.no| +47 22 82 40 80
Reception and Concierge
%1@%2reception@hotelcontinental.no| +47 22 82 40 00
%1@%2concierge@hotelcontinental.no| +47 22 82 40 30
Table reservation at Theatercaféen
%1@%2bord@theatercafeen.no| +47 22 82 40 50